Advanced 360 - Hosted

Advanced embeddable link / canvas usage

Note: These features require a shoot to be both published and have public integration access enabled. If you require assistance configuring your shoot please contact your ORB360 account manager.

Common URL parameter options

Display many 360s across all tenant shoots

The iframe or shareable URL can be modified to look up 360 ids from any shoot within a single tenant.

The query (q) parameter in this example can be modified to include any set of media ids within the tenant, separated by a comma (,).

Due to URL length restrictions, up to 20 id values are supported via URL.


Display 360s by tag value

The iframe or shareable URL can also be modified to search for 360s by a single tag key and a set of values.

In order to do this, the URL should be modified. The endpoint parameter value should be changed to tag. Unlike the id endpoint, the tag endpoint can return multiple values for a tag lookup.

An additional property, called key should be passed with the tag key to search on. By default this is StyleNumber.

The query (q) param can then accept comma separated tag values to search for, eg. I_AM_A_STYLE_NUMBER,DEF-456

An optional parameter called split can be added to set the separator character to be used, in case your tag values contain commas. It is your responsibility to ensure that your request tag query separator character does not collide with characters in your tag values.

For maximum browser compatibility, the total URL length should not exceed 2048 characters.


Last updated